Literary Journalism and World War I: Marginal Voices

Literary Journalism and World War I: Marginal Voices

Édité par Andrew Griffiths, Sara Prieto, Soenke Zehle

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Table of Illustrations

General Introduction to the ReportAGES Series

Andrew Griffiths, Sara Prieto – Introduction: Literary Journalism and World War I

Trench Journals, Excerpts

John S. Bak – I"The paper cannot live by poems alone": World War I Trench Journals as (Proto-) Literary Journalism

John Buchan, Excerpts

Andrew Griffiths – IStrategic Fictions? John Buchan, The Times and the Ypres Salient

Will Irwin, Excerpt

Sara Prieto – IPure Propaganda? Will Irwin's A Reporter at Armageddon: A Journey beyond the Front

Barcelona and World War I, Excerpt

Xavier Pla – IBarcelona, at the Edge of Genres: Literature, Information and Propaganda during WWI and After

Roberto Jorge Payró, Excerpt

Emiliano Gastón Sánchez – IWorld War I Reportages: The Dispatches of Roberto J. Payró during the German Invasion of Belgium

Gustaf Hellström, Excerpt

Jane Ekstam – IGustaf Hellström, Foreign Correspondent for Dagens Nyheter (The Daily News) in Paris, 1911–1917

Velona Pilcher, Excerpt

Charlotte Purkis – IVelona Pilcher's Literary Excursions in the 'Theatre of War,'' 1918–1947

Frans Masereel, Excerpt

Karl-Ludwig Hofmann, Peter Riede, Soenke Zehle, Henrik Elburn – IThe Infinite Eye: Frans Masereel's Visual Anti-War Journalism

Contributors' Notes






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