Etudes Irlandaises, n° 36-1/printemps-été 2011

Etudes Irlandaises, n° 36-1/printemps-été 2011

Trauma et mémoire en Irlande - Perspectives on Trauma in Irish History, Literature and Culture

Édité par Anne Goarzin

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Anne Goarzin (université européenne de Bretagne, Rennes 2), Articulating trauma

Histoire et culture : mémoire et commémoration / History, Cultural Memory and Commemoration in Ireland

  • John O'Callaghan (University of Limerick), Politics, Policy and History: History Teaching in Irish Secondary Schools, 1922-1970
  • Mícheál Ó haodha (University of Limerick), Travellers and Communal Identity: Memory, Trauma and the Trope of Cultural Disappearance
  • Peter Guy (National Center for Franco-Irish Studies, Dublin), Black Habits and White Collars: Representations of the Irish Industrial Schools
  • Chris Reynolds (Nottingham Trent University) The Collective European Memory of 1968: The Case of Northern Ireland
  • Charlotte Barcat (Université de Brest-UBO), Vérité et justice comme remèdes au trauma : Bloody Sunday et l'enquête Saville

Violence et guerre dans la littérature irlandaise / Approaches to Violence and Warfare in Irish Literature

  • Shane Alcobia-Murphy (University of Aberdeen), "Snared by Words": Trauma and the Shoah in the Poetry of Medbh McGuckian
  • Sylvie Mikowski (Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne), Le long cheminement de la mémoire collective irlandaise : A Long Long Way de Sebastian Barry (2005)
  • Edwina Keown (Trinity College Dublin), Exorcising Trauma: Uncanny Modernity and the Anglo-Irish War in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Last September (1929)
  • Hélène Lecossois (Université du Maine, Le Mans), Trauma et hantise de soi dans The Mai et By the Bog of Cats de Marina Carr
  • Sandrine Brisset (St Patrick’s College Drumcondra), "Flirting with a Risky Muse": Brendan Kennelly and Inspired Poetry

Bibliographie / Bibliography
Comptes rendus de lecture / Book Reviews





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