My Occasional Line Drawings

Mansour Beheshti Shirazi
Mansour Beheshti Shirazi

Illustré par Mansour Beheshti Shirazi

In an interpretation of quantum mechanics as well as in philosophy, literature, poetry, arts, music and fiction; there are numerous reports of the hypothetical set of the possible multiverse or parallel universes. They refer to all that exists of space, time and energy as well physical and metaphysical laws governing them.

This book is a collection of line drawings that each one of them is a glimpse of an event or snapshot when Mansour briefly opens a small window to observe a surreal parallel universe that its nature is unclear to us. We do not know whether this parallel universe is analogue or digital or even imaginary or dreamlike. Also, the process of what led to this moment and all that follows afterwards will remain unexplained.

These drawings have no bearings on our own universe and objective reality. Mansour shares his neutral and unbiased observations of the multiverse without any interpretation of the surreal happenings or the universe wherein they may occur.





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