Ranam, n° 48/2015

Ranam, n° 48/2015

Accents, Variation(s), Representation

Édité par Maryvonne Boisseau

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Maryvonne Boisseau, "Foreword / Avant-propos";

Julie Nimtz, "Presentation";

Olivier Glain, “Consonant Variation and Change: Towards a Socio-Cognitive Model”;

Michael Percillier, “Non-Standard Features of Asian Englishes in Comment Forums of Social News Websites”;

Véronique Lacoste, “Toronto Haitian English: a Preliminary Account”;

Julien Rentz, “The Constructionalization of Formulaic Sequences Called 'Snowclones'”;

Philippe Muller, “Towards a Metalinguistic Representation of the Lexeme SHY”;

Aurélie Ceccaldi, “The Gricean Cooperative Principle at Work in Fictional Narratives: the Case of Reporting Clauses”;

Stéphane Kostantzer, “The Effects and Functions of Mentioning or Distorting Proverbs in Oscar Wilde's. The Importance of Being Earnest”.

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