L'Époque Conradienne, volume 38/2012

L'Époque Conradienne, volume 38/2012

Édité par Nathalie Martinière

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Claude Maisonnat, "Foreword"

Catherine Delmas, "Revisiting Almayer's Folly : Displacement and Reterritorialisation in Chantal Akerman's Film Adaptation of Conrad's Novel";

Nathalie Martinière, "Displacing Authority : Turning Conrad into a Character";

Catherine Delesalle-Nancey, "Impossible Placement in 'The Anarchist a Desperate Tale'";

Claude Maisonnat, “Whiskers and Whispers : Metafictional Negociations in 'The Secret Sharer'';

Louis-Antony Martinez, “The Neutralization of Dichotomies in 'An Outpost of Progress'”;

Annick Drösdal-Levillain, “Arches, Topos and 'Archetropes’ in Joseph Conrad's Life and Work”;

Mark Deggan, “Performance Value : Ethical Space and the Poetics of Theatricality in ‘The Lagoon’ and Lord Jim”;

Kaoru Yamamoto, “‘Strange Fraternity’ in The Rover”;

Pierre-Julien Brunet, « Un "anarchiste" mis à nu par une source française inédite ».


Claude Maisonnat, “Jakob Lothe, Jeremy Hawthorn and James Phelan eds.. Josph Conrad : Voice, Sequence, History, Genre, Colombus, Ohio University Press, 2008” ;

Claude Maisonnat “Owen Knowles ed.,"My Dear Friend": Further Letters to and about Joseph Conrad, Amsterdam-New York, Rodopi, 2008”;

Claude Maisonnat, Wieslaw Krajka ed., Joseph Conrad : Between Litterary Techniques and their Messages, Conrad : Eastern and Western Perspectives, Vol. XVIII, East European Monographs, Boulder, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press, Lublin, Columbia University Press, New York, 2009, 287 p.”;

Sooyoung Chon, “Conrad's Polish Footprints (2011) : the Fith International Joseph Conrad Conference and the Study Tour”.





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