Etudes Irlandaises, n° 42-1/automne-hiver 2017

Etudes Irlandaises, n° 42-1/automne-hiver 2017

Embodying/disembodying Ireland -

Coordination éditoriale de Fiona McCann, Alexandra Poulain

:: Sommaire    :: Détails

  • Fiona McCann, Alexandra Poulain, Introduction
  • Nathalie Sebbane, Corps de femmes, corps dociles : le cas Magdalen Laundries
  • Nancy Marck Cantwell, De-composing the Gothic Body in Maria Edgeworth's Castle Rackrent
  • Hannah Simpson, "Away, come away": Moving Dead Women and Irish Emigration in W. B. Yeats's Early Poetry
  • Zsuzsanna Balázs, An Uncanny Myth of Ireland: The Spectralisation of Cuchulain's Body in W. B. Yeats's Plays
  • Andréa Caloiaro, Embodying the Trauma of the Somme as an Ulster Protestant Veteran in Christina Reid's My Name, Shall I Tell You My Name?
  • Marilynn Richtarik, Intimations of Mortality: Stewart Parker's Hopdance
  • Alexander Coupe, Performing Trauma in Post-conflict Northern Ireland: Ethics, Representation and the Witnessing Body
  • Julia C. Obert, Ciaran Carson and the Theory of Relativity
  • Timothy A. Heron, "We're Only Monsters": Punk Bodies and the Grotesque in 1970s Northern Ireland
  • Caroline Magennis, "Bubbles of joy": Moments of Pleasure in recent Northern Irish Culture
  • Tina O'Toole, Making a Scene: The Diceman's Queer Performance Activism and Irish Public Culture






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