Etudes Lawrenciennes, n° 35/2007

Etudes Lawrenciennes, n° 35/2007

The Bible revisited

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TERRY WRIGHT,Lawrence in Eden : From The Trespasser to Lady Chatterley's Lover.
BARBARA MILIARAS, Tom Brangwen, Patriarch, and the Biblical Roots of "The Flood on the Marsh."
CORNELIUS CROWLEY,D.H. Lawrence and the Pauline Expectation of Rebirth.
NOËLLE CUNY, Faith, Charity, the Masses : Lawrence's Two Pauls.
TAKEO IIDA, D. H. Lawrence : the Bible and the Mystics.
PETER PRESTON, Bathed in the Word of the Lord ? Lawrence, Bunyan and the Bibline.
STEPHEN ROWLEY, The Rod and the Serpent : Lawrence’s Quarrel with the Bible.
BETHAN JONES, Riddles of Revelation : Symbolism and Intertextuality in D.H.Lawrence’s Apocalypse.
VIOLETA SOTIROVA, Biblical Language and Patterns of Orality in D.H. Lawrence.
SIMONETTA DE FILIPPIS, David and the Bible : the Transformations of Language.





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