Etudes faulknériennes, n° 5/2005

Etudes faulknériennes, n° 5/2005

Eudora Welty and the Poetics of the Body

Édité par Géraldine Chouard, Danièle Pitavy-Souques

:: Sommaire    :: Détails

  • Géraldine Chouard & Danièle Pitavy-Souques, Preface.
  • Géraldine Chouard, Welty's Photography or the Retina of Time.
  • Hunter Cole, On the Publishing of Photographs.
  • Stuart Kidd, Familiar and Foreign Bodies in Photographs of the South during the 1930s.
  • Jean Kempf, Eudora Welty Photographer. The Photograph as Revelation.
  • Michael Kreyling, Eudora Welty: Portraits of the Author and the Character of the Text.
  • Géraldine Chouard (mod.), Round Table on Photography.
  • Aurélie Guillain, Pantomimes: Body Language in Five Narratives by Eudora Welty.
  • Jean-Marc Victor, "The wrinkles in her skin shone like a bright net": The Promises of a Face in Eudora Welty's Fiction.
  • Peggy Whitman Prenshaw, Fevered Desire and Therapeutic Gaze in Welty's World.
  • Barbara Ladd, The Place of (Woman's) Body/the Body of (Woman's) Place in The Golden Apples.
  • Suzan Harrison, Black Bodies and Modernist Desire in Eudora Welty's Fiction.
  • Tom McHaney, The Saturday Night Function Beats the Sunday Morning Service: Welty's "Powerhouse".
  • Noel Polk, The Ponderable Heart.
  • Sharon Baris, 'Across his chest, over his hips': Hands-on Means and Meanings in "Death of a Traveling Salesman".
  • Michiko Yoshida, Welty's Touches: the Functions of Hands and the Drama of Transformation in "Moon Lake" and "Music from Spain".
  • Pearl McHaney, Containment, Flux and Flexibilty in Delta Wedding: Dabney Fairchild's Gravidity.
  • André Bleikasten, Homespun Horrors: "The Burning".
  • Susan Donaldson, Embodying and Transforming Memory in Eudora Welty's Later Work.
  • Donald Kartiganer, Body and Myth, Semiotic and Symbolic: The Space Between.
  • Marie-Christine Lemardeley-Cunci, Bruissements de silence dans "The Key".
  • Danièle Pitavy-Souques, Of human, animal and celestal Bodies in Welty's "Circe".




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