Etudes faulknériennes, n° 2/2000

Etudes faulknériennes, n° 2/2000


Édité par André Bleikasten, Michel Gresset, Nicole Moulinoux, François Pitavy

:: Sommaire    :: Détails

  • André Bleikasten, Father Faulkner : beginnings and begettings.
  • Nicole Moulinoux, Naissance de Faulkner à l'écriture.
  • Lothar Hönnighausen, A Nietzschean Approach to Faulkner's Biographical and Literary Role-Play.
  • John T. Matthews, The Scene of Faulkner's Birth into Fiction.
  • Thomas L. McHaney, Faulkner's Birth into Fiction.
  • Noel Polk, Faulkner and Anderson & Faulkner's Birth into Fiction.
  • Michel Gresset, Naissance de Faulkner au Langage.
  • Sonja Basic, Faulkner's Myriad.
  • Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher, The Linguistic Representation of Perception in Benjy's Monologue.
  • Mario Materassi, Faulkner's use of The Song of Solomon in Quentin's Section of the Sound and the Fury.
  • Rosella Mamoli Zorzi, Faulkner's Birth into Language.
  • André Bleikasten, Naissance de Faulkner au désir.
  • Robert Dale Parker, Red Slippers and Cottonmouth Moccasins : White Anxieties in Faulkner's Indian Stories.
  • Philip Weinstein, "Premature, Inconclusive and Inconcllidable" : Faulkner and Desire.
  • Michael Zeitlin, “A Dream and a Fire” : William Faulkner, Polymorphous Hero.
  • Florence Cesari-Stricker, “A Single Fluxive Yes” : Desire in the Wild Palms.
  • François Pitavy, Naissance de Faulkner à l'histoire.
  • Peter Nicolaisen, Heritage and History in Go Down, Moses.
  • Jacques Pothier, Born again into History : Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Faulkner's Fiftieth Birthday.




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