Etudes Irlandaises, n° 38-2/automne-hiver 2013

Etudes Irlandaises, n° 38-2/automne-hiver 2013

Ulster-Scots in Northern Ireland Today: Language, Culture, Community

Coordination éditoriale de Wesley Hutchinson

:: Sommaire    :: Détails

Wesley Hutchinson, Ulster-Scots in Northern Ireland: From Neglect to re-Branding

Ulster-Scots in Literature and Publishing LUlster-Scots dans la littrature et ldition

  • Anne Smyth, Publishing the Invisible Language Some Influences on Ulster-Scots Publishing in the Modern Revival Period
  • Ivan Herbison, Beyond the Rhyming Weavers
  • Caroline Baraniuk, Poetic Justice: Ensuring a Place for Ulster-Scots Literature within the School Curriculum in the North of Ireland
  • Philip Robinson, Ulster-Scots Psalmody: A Consideration

Ulster-Scots in the Community LUlster-Scots au sein de la communaut

  • Laura Spence, Broadcasting Ulster-Scots: Ulster-Scots Media Provision in the Modern Revival Period
  • Willie Drennan, Fiddles, Flutes, Drums and Fifes
  • Gordon Ramsey, The Ulster-Scots Musical Revival: Transforming Tradition in a Post-Conflict Environment
  • Ian James Parsley, Language and Politics in Ireland A Constructive or Destructive Interconnection?
  • Liam Logan, The Irish Ulster Scot
  • Ian Adamson, Common Identity

A selection of Ulster-Scots Writing / Une slection de textes en Ulster-Scots (Selection and commentary by Wesley Hutchinson)

Comptes rendus de lecture (Book Reviews)

tude critique (Critical Study)





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