Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 3 / 2013

Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 3 / 2013

Contemporary Textual Aesthetics

Édité par Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham, David Ten Eyck

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Ouvrage bilingue (français et anglais).

Contemporary Textual Aesthetics examines various contemporary authorial enterprises and editorial initiatives which invite us to carefully consider ways in which texts are being fashioned. Authors and editors give birth to original types of texts and books: innovative, unconventional or experimental novels, collaborative illustrated books, collective artist's books, hybrid or multimodal artefacts, and performative, multimedia book-objects. The essays in this volume explore a variety of texts as well as their frontiers and thresholds, and propose redefinitions of the book beyond the boundaries of the traditional codex format and its inherent material ink-and-paper limits and constraints. They offer a variety of examples of contemporary textual practices, and ground-breaking, thought-provoking book projects from many cultural perspectives and artistic backgrounds: France, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Great Britain and the United States of America.

Description dans la langue de l'ouvrage

Titre Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 3 / 2013
Sous-titre Contemporary Textual Aesthetics
Édition Première édition
Partie du titre Numéro 3
Édité par Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham, David Ten Eyck
ISSN 19554583
Langues anglais, français
Éditeur Presses universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine
BISAC Classifications thématiques LIT004130 LITERARY CRITICISM / European
BIC Classifications thématiques DS Literature: history & criticism
DSA Literary theory
Dewey (abrégé) 800 Literature rhetoric & criticism
Public visé 05 Enseignement supérieur
CLIL (Version 2013-2019 ) 3435 LITTÉRATURE GENERALE
Description public visé Universitaires
Crédit PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine
Date de première publication du titre 26 janvier 2016
Code Identifiant de classement sujet      93 Classification thématique Thema: DS      94 Qualificateur de lieu Thema: 1D      93 Classification thématique Thema: D      93 Classification thématique Thema: F
Support Livre broché
Nb de pages 178 p.
ISBN-10 2814301861
ISBN-13 9782814301863
Référence 119535-47
Date de publication 26 janvier 2016
Contenu du produit Text (eye-readable)
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 178
Format 16 x 24 x 1 cm
Poids 296 gr
Prix 15,00 €




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Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham
Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 7
Illustrating History / Illustrer l'histoire
Book Practices & Textual Itineraries