The Present of Antiquity

The Present of Antiquity

Reception, Recovery, Reinvention of the Ancient World in Current Popular Culture

Édité par Carmen Alarcon Hernandez, Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas, Fernando Lozano Gómez

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Fernando Lozano Gómez, Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas, Carmen Alarcón Hernández – Prologue: Antiquity in Current Popular Culture

Antiquity in Cinema and Television

Raúl Sánchez Casado, Lin blanc et peaux de léopard : le sacerdoce Égyptien au cinéma............... 27-47

Borja Antela, Agamenón siempre llama dos veces. Antigüedad, cine y remake.......................... 49-63

Fernando Lillo Redonet, Ancient Rome on the Screen: Spectacle, Heroes, Sex, Violence . . .

and a bit of History.................................................................................................................... 65-84

Clelia Martinez Maza, The Classical Spirit of College Fraternities.......................................... 85-103

Antiquity in Literature and Comic

Mirella Romero Recio, Eternal Pompeii: a Present Roman City............................................ 107-130

Cristina Rosillo López, La novela histórico-policiaca de inspiración clásica: las mujeres detectives  131-140

Alfonso Alvarez-Ossorio Rivas, Sword and Sorcery, and Something Else… . . . . . . . . . . . .

the Ancient World and the Classics in Fantasy Novels............................................................. 141-165

Eduardo Ferrer Albelda, El Jabato: un atípico héroe del Franquismo ambientado .  .  .  .  .  .  .

en la Antigüedad.................................................................................................................... 167-184

Rocío Gordillo Hervás, Historical Fiction and Ancient Rome. Colleen McCullough's . . . .

"Masters Of Rome" Series...................................................................................................... 185-219

Playing, Living and Experiencing Antiquity

K. F. B. Fletcher, Classical Antiquity, Heavy Metal Music, and European Identity................... 223-246

Juan Ramón Carbó García, Living Antiquity. Role-Playing Games with a Setting . . . . . . . . .

in Ancient Times.................................................................................................................. 247-263

Davide Antonio Secci, Antiquity in Videogames: Genres and Approaches......................... 265-294

Alberto Pérez Rubio, Tomás Aguilera Durán, Storming the Ivory Tower? Dissemination,

Military History, and the Social Role of History...................................................................... 295-318

Javier Gómez Valero, La Antigüedad en los wargames............................................................. 319-340

Modern Uses of Antiquity: Some Reflections as a Mean of Conclusion

Antonio Gonzales, Les usages modernes de l'Antiquité ou la mélancolie démocratique : . . . . .

quelques réflexions................................................................................................................ 343-359

Abstracts................................................................................................................................. 361-365

Index....................................................................................................................................... 367-397





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