Archipel, n°85/2013 |
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Écho de la recherche Dossier : Monde insulindien et péninsule indochinoise Daniel Perret & Danny Wong Tze Ken, "Monde insulindien et péninsule indochinoise : un panorama de contacts millénaires" ; Arlo Griffiths, "The Problem of the Ancient Name Java and the Role of Satyavarman in Southeast Asian International Relations Around the Turn of the Ninth Century CE"; Geoff Wade, "Maritime Routes Between Indochina and Nusantara to the 18th Century"; Marie-France Dupoizat, "Vietnamese Ceramics in the Malay World"; Nicolas Weber, « Les Cam et les Malais du Cambodge et de Cochinchine vus par les Claudine Salmon,"The H? châu or Southern Countries as Observed by Vietnamese Danny Wong Tze Ken,”The Cham Arrivals in Malaysia: Distant Memories and Rekindled Links”; Siti Nor Awang, "Daripada Pelarian Kepada Usahawan: Pengalaman Masyarakat Cam di Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia”; Daniel Perret & Danny Wong Tze Ken, ”Monde insulindien et péninsule indochinoise : essai bibliographique » ; Varia Hans Hägerdal, "Cycles of Queenship on Timor: A Response to Douglas Kammen”; Comptes rendus Hans Hägerdal (ed.): Tradition, Identity, and History-Making in Eastern Indonesia Eka Srimulyani : Women from Traditional Islamic Educational Institutions in Indonesia: Negotiating Public Spaces Robert Blust & Jürg Schneider (eds.): A World of Words. Revisiting the Work of Renward Brandstetter (1860-1942) on Lucerne and Austronesia Marlies Salazar: Perspectives on Philippine Languages/Five Centuries of European Scholarship Résumés-abstracts |
AR085-30 |