John Webster's 'Dismal Tragedy' The Duchess of Malfi Reconsidered

John Webster's 'Dismal Tragedy' The Duchess of Malfi Reconsidered

Coordination éditoriale de Sophie Chiari, Sophie Lemercier-Goddard

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Sophie Chiari, Sophie Lemercier-Goddard – Acknowledgements

List of Illustrations

Notes on Contributors

Anne-Valérie Dulac, Sophie Chiari, Sophie Lemercier-Goddard – General Introduction

Part I : Looking Backwards: Source, Performance and Edition

Anna Demoux – 1. Delio, "the partaker [of great courtiers'] natures" The Duchess of Malfi and its Sources in Context
Roberta Barker – 2. "[T]he spirit of greatness or of woman" The Duchess of Malfi in the Repertoires of her First Players;
Jane Kingsley-Smith – 3. "Mine eyes dazzle". Editing The Duchess of Malfi;
Dympna Callaghan – 4. Theatre, Art, the Woman and the Wolf. Revisiting The Duchess of Malfi.

Part II : Looking Outside: Money, Travel and the Weather

Eike Kronshage – 5. "Purchased honor". Economic Expediency in Webster's The Duchess of Malfi;
Sophie Lemercier-Goddard – 6. Going Places. Hauntings and Mobilities in The Duchess of Malfi;
Sophie Chiari – 7. "The work of heaven" in The Duchess of Malfi.

Part III : Looking Inside: The World of the Flesh

Misako Takahashi – 8. Seeking the Female Body. The Duchess and Ferdinand in Canine Skins;
Joseph Kidney – 9. "Produce the bodies". Wolves in Webster and Shakespeare's Theatre of Exhumation;
Wendy Wall – 10. Reversions. Domestic Ecologies in The Duchess of Malfi.

Part IV : Looking Forwards: Optics and Mathematics

Lisa Hopkins – 11. Diamonds or Pearls? Doubling the Duchess;
Mickaël Popelard – 12. Webster's Mathematical Imagination. Geometry in The Duchess of Malfi;
François Laroque – 13. Webster's camera obscura in The Duchess of Malfi.

– Discussing The Duchess A conversation led by Anne-Valérie Dulac

Sophie Chiari et Sophie Lemercier-Goddard – Mettre en scène La Duchesse en France. Conversation avec Anne-Laure Liégeois.

General Bibliography
José Ramón Díaz Fernández – John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi. A Comprehensive Bibliography.






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