- Eamon Maher, Catherine Maignant, Avant-propos
Introduction : les données – Introduction: Data
- Catherine Piola, Le paysage religieux de la République et de l'Irlande du Nord au début du XXIe siècle
L'église catholique en question : évolutions et enjeux – Calling the Catholic Church into Questions: Evolutions and Key Challenges
- Yann Bevant, The Aggiornamento of the Irish Catholic Church in the 1960s and 1970s
- Déborah Vandewoude, Reconstruction de l'Église catholique en République d'Irlande
- Catherine Maignant, Church and State in Ireland (1922-2013): Contrasting Perceptions of Humanity
- Colum Kenny, Dark Walled up with Stone: Contrasting Images of Irish Catholicism
Représentations littéraires des changements religieux – Literary Expressions of Religious Changes
- Eamon Maher, "They all seem to have inherited the horrible ugliness and sewer filth of sex": Catholic Guilt in Selected Works by John McGahern (1934-2006)
- James Silas Rogers, Seán Dunne's The Road to Silence: An Anomalous Spiritual Autobiography?
- Eugene O'Brien, "An Art that Knows its Mind": Prayer, Poetry and Post-Catholic Identity in Seamus Heaney’s "Squarings"
De quelques religions/religiosités en progression – Examples of growing religions/religiosities
- Oliver Scharbrodt, From Irish Exceptionalism to European Normality?: The New Islamic Presence in the Republic of Ireland
- Laurence Cox, Buddhism in Ireland: The Inner Life of World-Systems
- Carmen Kuhling, The New Age Movement in the Post-Celtic Tiger Context: Secularisation, Enchantment and Crisis
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