RANAM n° 53 / 2020

RANAM n° 53 / 2020

Internal Variation : A Special Focus on Diamesic Variation across Speech and Writing

Avec David Bousquet, Aurélie Ceccaldi-Hamet, Sarah de Vogüé, Christelle Exare, Raymond Hickey, Manuel Jobert, Grégoire Lacaze, Michael Percillier, Julie Nimtz, Monika Pukli
Édité par Catherine Paulin

:: Sommaire    :: Détails

Catherine Paulin — Preface

External and /or internal variation
Raymond Hickey — The Internal and External Dichotomy Again Teasing apart motives for language change
Michael Percillier — A Variationist Approach to the Spread of Emergent Features in Middle English
Christelle Exare — Diachronic and Synchronic Variability of the English Phoneme /h/

Orality and literacy; phonostylistics
David Bousquet — "Dis poem is still not written" A Study of Diamesic Variation in Jamaican Dub Poetry
Manuel Jobert — Paralinguistic Phenomena and Their Vocalisations when Reading Aloud in Winnie-the-Pooh

Literary modes of representation of reported speech
Aurélie Ceccaldi — Reporting Clauses as Quilt Metaphors in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace: The Visible Stitches of a Split Character
Grégoire Lacaze — Diamesic Variation in Direct Reported Speech: Representing Orality in Fiction

Variation  and Alterity
Sarah de Vogüé — Ajustement, affordance : l'altérité comme clé pour la variation

Book Reviews / Recensions

Abstracts / Résumés





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