La conduite municipale des affaires villageoises en Europe (XVIIIe-XXe siècle)

La conduite municipale des affaires villageoises en Europe (XVIIIe-XXe siècle)

Clochemerle ou république villageoise ?

Édité par Laurent Brassart, Jean-Pierre Jessenne, Nadine Vivier
Avec Serge Bianchi, John Broad, Vincent Cuvilliers, Catherine Denys, Jean-Michel Derex, Matthieu Fontaine, Peter Jones, Corinne Marache, Maria Teresa Perez-Picazo, Dominique Rosselle, Jean-Paul Rothiot, Leen Van Molle, Andrea Zannini, Clemens Zimmerman

Leen Van Molle

Leen Van Molle is full professor of social history and member of the research group MoSa (Modernity and Society, 1800-2000) at KU Leuven. Her research focuses on the history of Belgian and European social identities, social movements and social policy, and in particular the history of the rural world.





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