Archaeozoology of the Near East VIII

Archaeozoology of the Near East VIII

Actes des huitièmes Rencontres internationales d'Archéozoologie de l'Asie du Sud-Ouest et des régions adjacentes. Proceedings of the eighth international Symposium on the Archaeozoology of southwestern Asia and adjacent areas

Édité par Emmanuelle Vila, Lionel Gourichon, Alice M. Choyke, Hijlke Buitenhuis

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Tome I

Emmanuelle Vila, Lionel Gourichon : Avant-Propos

François Poplin — Prologue anthropozoologique – Animal vrai, sacrifice et domestication laitière
Anthropozoological prologue—True animal, sacrifice and the domestication of dairy animals

Liora Kolska Horwitz, Hitomi Hongo — Putting the meat back on old bones. A reassessment of Middle Palaeolithic fauna from Amud Cave (Israel)

Hervé Monchot — Des hyènes tachetées au Pléistocène supérieur dans le Zagros (grotte Wezmeh, Iran)

Anne Bouteaux, Anne-Marie Moigne, Kasman Setiagama — Études archéozoologiques de sites javanais du Pléistocène : les sites de plein air du dôme de Sangiran (Java central) et le site en grotte de Song Terus (Java est)

Anne Bridault, Rivka Rabinovich, Tal Simmons — Human activities, site location and taphonomic process: a relevant combination for understanding the fauna of Eynan (Ain Mallaha), level Ib (final Natufian, Israel)

Daniel Helmer, Lionel Gourichon — Premières données sur les modalités de subsistance à Tell Aswad (Syrie, PPNB moyen et récent, Néolithique céramique ancien) – Fouilles 2001-2005

Maria Saña, Carlos Tornero — Consumption of animal resources at the sites of Akarçay Tepe and Tell Halula (Middle Euphrates Valley, 8th-6th millennia cal. BC)

Daniel Helmer — Révision de la faune de Cafer Höyük (Malatya, Turquie) : apports des méthodes de l'analyse des mélanges et de l'analyse de Kernel à la mise en évidence de la domestication

Gisela Grupe , Joris Peters — Feeding humans and animals at Pre-Pottery Neolithic Nevali Çori (SE-Anatolia) as evidenced by stableisotope analysis

Francoise Le Mort, Jean-Denis Vigne, Simon J.M. Davis, Jean Guilaine, Alain Le Brun — Man-animal relationships in the Pre-pottery burials at Shillourokambos and Khirokitia (Cyprus, 8th and 7th millennia cal. BC)

Melinda A. Zeder — Animal Domestication in the Zagros: an Update and Directions for Future Research

Jean Cantuel, Armelle Gardeisen, Josette Renard — L'exploitation de la faune durant le Néolithique dans le bassin égéen

Hijlke Buitenhuis — Ilipinar : The faunal remains from the late Neolithic and early Chalcolithic levels

Chiara Cavallo, Tijmen Moesker — Faunal remains from the Neolithic levels of Tell Sabi Abyad (Syria)




Tome II

Benjamin S. Arbuckle — Caprine exploitation at Erbaba Höyük: A Pottery Neolithic village in Central Anatolia

Bea De Cupere, Refik Duru, Gülsün Umurtak — Animal husbandry at the Early Neolithic to Early Bronze Age site of Bademaªaci (Antalya province, SW Turkey): evidence from the faunal remains

Polydora Baker — Economy, environment and society at Kilise Tepe, Southern Central Turkey – Faunal remains from the 1994-1998 excavations

Mohammed Al-Zawahra  — The faunal remains from Tell el-Mafjer, a Chalcolithic site in the Lower Jordan Valley, Palestine

Jennifer Piro — Pastoral economies in Early Transcaucasian communities from the mid-4th to 3rd millennium BC

Margarethe Uerpmann, Hans-Peter Uerpmann — Animal economy during the Early Bronze Age in South-East Arabia

Angela von den Driesch, Helmut Brückner, Henriette Obermaier, Anja Zander — The hunt for wild dromedaries at the United Arab Emirates coast during the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC. Camel bones from the excavations at Al Sufouh 2, Dubai, UAE

Jill A. Weber — Elite equids: redefining equid burials of the mid- to late 3rd millennium BC from Umm el-Marra, Syria

Lilit Mirzoyan, Nina Manaseryan — Archaeozoological investigation of the site of Shirakavan, 3rd-1st millennia BC, Armenia

Nina Manaseryan — Réduction de la variété spécifique des vertébrés au cours de l'Holocène en Arménie

Chiori Kitagawa — The status of fallow deer in Ancient Egypt: autochthonous or introduced ?

Marco Masseti — A zoomorphic gold figurine from the Late Bronze Age on the island of Thera (Santorini), Greece

Cornelia Becker — The faunal remains from Dur-Katlimmu—Insights into the diet of the Assyrians

Jacqueline Studer, Annegret Schneider — Camel use in the Petra region, Jordan: 1st century BC to 4th century AD

Yves Lignereux, Henriette Obermaier, Simon Schneider — Les restes animaux du Palais d'Amathonte à Chypre, à l'époque classique (Ve et IVe siècles av. J.-C.)

Tarek Oueslati — Spatial fluctuation of food habits in Byzantine Beirut (Bey 002, Bey 028, Bey 115)





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