The relief-map of Lille

The relief-map of Lille

A short story of an enduring object

Introduction de Catherine Denys
Traduit par Laura Bennett

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The Relief Map of Lille

Martine Aubry, Mayor of Lille



Catherine Denys


1. Relief maps were first and foremost about war

Nathalie Dereymaeker


2. Wood, paper and silk

Nathalie Dereymaeker


3. A turbulent history

Florence Raymond


4. A representation of the city in the city

Florence Raymond


5. The relief map of Lille, an object of contrasts

Florence Raymond


6. From paper to pixel

Nathalie Dereymaeker


7. The relief map is revealed

Nathalie Dereymaeker


8. The relief map of Lille tells its own story

Florence Raymond







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Nathalie Dereymaeker, Florence Raymond
Le plan-relief de Lille
Petite histoire d'un grand objet