RANAM, n° 47/2014

RANAM, n° 47/2014

Coordination éditoriale de Anne Bandry-Scubbi

:: Sommaire    :: Détails

Frictions in the Visual
Michel Remy — Surrealism in Britain: from the subversion of the déjà vu to the impossible authentic
Livio Bello — Frottements d'images : les films tardifs de Paul Sharits
Magdalena Nowak — Bill Viola's "The Passions" and Aby Warburg's "Survival" theory: Post-modernism, empathy and déjà vu
Camille Manfredi — From déjà vu to déjà peint: Rewriting, re-imaging devolutionary and post-devolutionary Scotland
Caroline Lehni — Déjà vu in British nineteenth-century travel book illustrations on Egypt: continuity and change

Elodie Chazalon — Normalcy, discrepancy, and alternatives: some representations of the American woman from the postwar years to the sixties
Jean-Noël Sanchez — Amerikang byuti: Philippine Mimicry and "American Mana"
Frédéric Libaud — Le mouvement d'Oxford : entre continuité et réforme
Laurent Curelly — William the Conqueror, Henry III, Richard II et al., or English history recycled by seventeenth-century republican newsbooks
Elsa Grassy — Dissonance, distortion and détournement: reinterpreting "The Star-Spangled Banner"
Pierre Degott — "Déjà vu / déjà entendu"?  Handel's opere serie on the London Stage
Andrew Eastman — "Breaking the pentameter": speech rhythms, "stress clash," and authenticity in modern english-language poetry

Textual encounters by dissonance
Rémi Vuillemin — "The musical confusion of hounds and echoes in conjunction": Intertextual friction in Elizabethan rewritings of the myth of Actœon
Fabien Desset — P. B. Shelley's Mercury vs. Aeschylus's Hermes: A transtextual clash of the Titans
Virginie Iché — Struggling to resist prior interpellation: the nursery rhyme characters in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass
André Dodeman — Clans and clashes: Heritage and authenticity in Alistair MacLeod's No Great Mischief
Cyril Vettorato — Linguistic dissonance and the quest for a Caribbean voice in the poetry of Edward Kamau Brathwaite
Anna Maria Cimitile — Shakespeare and literary Africa: Encounters by dissonance in Coetzee, Soyinka, Gordimer





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