- Alexandra Slaby (Université de Caen Basse-Normandie), Avant-propos
- Defining Europe in the Year of the European Citizen, Address by President Michael D. Higgins
Études d'histoire et de civilisation – Studies in History and Civilisation
- Pauline Beaugé de La Roque (université de Franche-Comté, University College Cork), Le Concile Vatican II : étape essentielle dans le processus d'ouverture de l'Église catholique d'Irlande
- Pauline Collombier-Lakeman (université de Strasbourg), Daniel O'Connell and India
- Donal P. McCracken (University of KwaZulu-Natal), John Ardagh (1840-1907): The Irish Intelligence Scapegoat for Britain's Anglo-Boer War Debacles
- Catherine Piola (université Dauphine – Paris 12), La population irlandaise contemporaine : convergence ou singularité européenne ?
Art et images – Art and Image
- Heike Mißler (Saarland University, Saarbrücken), Irishness between Myth and Brand
- Jane Steel (Lancaster University), "When you have Shakespeare, why do you need movies?". Neil Jordan's Michael Collins and an anti-Hamletian Hamlet
Études littéraires – Literary Studies
- Pascale Amiot-Jouenne (université de Perpignan – Via Domitia), « Grown transparent now, and inestimable » : éloge de la transparence dans Seeing Things de Seamus Heaney
- Bruce Stewart (University of Ulster), "Visionary Gleams": The Metaphysical Colloquy of Derek Mahon and Seamus Heaney
- Ute Anna Mittermaier (Trinity College Dublin), Farewell Spain: Kate O'Brien's Elegy to Wartorn Spain
- Adrienne Janus (University of Aberdeen), Laughter and the Limits of Identity: Joyce, Beckett and the Philosophical Anthropology of Laughter
- Michael A. Moir, Jr. (Catholic University of America, Washington), "Like the tombs of nameless kings": Louis MacNeice's Western Anti-Pastoral
Comptes rendus de lecture (Book Reviews) |