Pathways to Precision Medicine

Pathways to Precision Medicine

From Rare to Common Diseases

Coordination éditoriale de Soumeya BEKRI

:: Résumé    :: Sommaire    :: Détails

Part I    The promise of Precision Medicine
Chapter 1    Historical perspectives of individualized Medicine
Chapter 2    Societal and Ethical challenges of Precision Medicine
Chapter 3    The continuum from mendelian to complex diseases

Part II    Key drivers to achieve Precision Medicine
Chapter 4    The role of biomarkers in PM: opportunities and challenges 
Chapter 5    Biobanking in Precision Medicine
Chapter 6    Laboratory Medicine as a Key Driver in Precision Medicine
Chapter 7    The Role of drug monitoring in Precision Medicine
Chapter 8    Data sciences and predictive analytics in Precision Medicine

Part III    From Data to Insights
Chapter 9    Radiomics: Bridging Medical imaging and Precision Medicine
Chapter 10    The Patient's Journey in Intensive Care
Chapter 11    Clinical Informatics Challenges in Precision Medicine

Part IV    Connecting the dots through panomics
Chapter 12    The Human Protein Atlas - implications for human biology, drug development and precision medicine 
Chapter 13    A multi-omic approach reveals a new type of inherited errors of vitamin B12 metabolism 
Chapter 14    The genome, the metabolome and beyond





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