Cleomenes on the Acropolis and Other Studies  in Greek Religion and Society

Cleomenes on the Acropolis and Other Studies in Greek Religion and Society

Robert Parker, Wykeham Professor emeritus of Ancient History at Oxford, is one of the leading contemporary experts on ancient Greek religion, as demonstrated by the various monographs he has published on the subject. Alongside books such as Polytheism and Society at Athens (2005), On Greek Religion (2011) and Greek Gods Abroad (2017), he has written dozens of articles that enrich his contribution to this field of study. The most important of them are here collected, with an updated afterword when necessary. The four headings that divide them up bear witness to their author's ongoing concerns: Religion and Society, Divination, Sacrifice, and the close relationship between Gods and their Names. The collection ends with the outrageous 'small god' Priapos, who stood in image form in gardens and threatened thieves with a dire punishment inflicted by his giant phallos.

Titre Cleomenes on the Acropolis and Other Studies in Greek Religion and Society
Édition Première édition
Auteur Robert Parker
Collection Kernos suppléments
Langue anglais
Éditeur Presses universitaires de Liège
BISAC Classifications thématiques HIS000000 HISTORY
Dewey (abrégé) 900-999 History, geography, (& biography)
200-299 Religion
Public visé 06 Professionnel et académique
CLIL (Version 2013-2019 ) 3377 HISTOIRE
Date de première publication du titre 13 février 2024
Code Identifiant de classement sujet      93 Classification thématique Thema: NH      93 Classification thématique Thema: QR
Avec Index ; Bibliographie ; Notes
Support Livre broché
Nb de pages 380 p. Index . Bibliographie . Notes .
ISBN-10 2875623982
ISBN-13 9782875623980
Référence 127149-96
Date de publication 13 février 2024
Publication Liège, Belgique
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 380
Format 16 x 24 x 2,5 cm
Poids 754 gr
Prix 30,00 €




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