International Development Policy Series, n°1/2010

International Development Policy Series, n°1/2010

Africa: 50 years of independence

:: Résumé    :: Sommaire    :: Détails

Dossier | Africa: 50 years of indepedence
• African Economic Development and Colonial Legacies - Gareth Austin
• Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire: Changing Places - Markus Eberhardt and Francis Teal
• The System of Development Assistance in France and the United Kingdom:
Fifty Years since Decolonisation - François Pacquement
• Switzerland's Relationship with Africa during Decolonisation
and the Beginnings of Development Cooperation - Marc Perrenoud
• The New Players in African Cooperation - Philippe Hugon
• A New Generation of Leaders in Africa: What Issues Do They Face? - John O. Igué

Annual review | Major development policy trends
• Official Development Assistance once more Under Fire from Critics - Gilles Carbonnier
• Trends and Issues in International Development Cooperation - Gérard Perroulaz, Claudie Fioroni and Gilles Carbonnier
• Recent Trends in World Trade and International Negotiations - Christophe Bellmann, Trineesh Biswas and Marie Chamay
• The Financial and Economic Crisis and the Developing Countries - Bruno Gurtner
• The Food Crisis and Food Security: Towards a New World Food Order? - Christophe Golay





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Revue internationale de politique de développement, n°1/2010
Afrique : 50 ans d'indépendance
Revue internationale de politique de développement n° 1