Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 10

Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 10

Illustrating Identity/ies / Illustrer l'identité

Édité par Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham
Autre Sophie Aymes, Brigitte Friant-Kessler, Maxime Leroy

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Alan Male - Dangerous Precedents: Freedom of Expression, or Censorship and Discrimination

Jaleen Grove - Illustrator Identity in the Historical Record, 1830-1970 : A Quantitative, Bibliographic Inquiry into Canon and Renown

Simon Grennan - 'Drawing in Drag by Marie Duval' : Subjective Reformation in the Production of a New Pseudonymous Comic Album by Simon Grennan

Ximena Miranda - inTonation: The Challenges of Illustrating Costa Rican Hybrid Culture

Gabrielle Cariolle & Paul Roberts - Illustrating the Jungle Camp: Potential and Limitations of Reportage and Identity Formation

Christelle Schreiber Di Cesare - Nuria Pompeia et son œuvre graphique : l'illustration au service du féminisme dans le contexte de la dictature franquiste

Emilie Sitzia - Picture Book Illustrations and Children's Identity Formation : The Case of Fiep Westendorp’s Jip and Janneke

Gabrielle Brace Stevenson - Exploring Multiple Selves and Polyphonic Voices in Simon Hanselmann’s Megg and Mogg

Claire Caillebotte - Être illustratrice et évoquer des sujets délicats dans l’album jeunesse

Desdemona McCannon - The Illustrated Pilgrim: Practice-led Strategies Towards an Understanding of the Feminine Sublime at Sites of Worship in North Wales


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