Études d'histoire et de civilisation – Studies in History and Civilisation
- Carine Berberi, Northern Ireland and the Euro: Changing Attitudes (2003-2013)
- Axel Klein, Joseph O'Kelly (1828-1885) and the "Slings and Arrows of Fortune"
- Deirdre Ní Chonghaile, "Listening for landfall": How Silence and Fear Marginalized the Music of the Aran Islands
- Maciej Ruczaj, "Daringly, yet with Reverence": Pearse, Mickiewicz and the Theology of National Messianism
- Catherine McGurren, "Daringly, yet with Reverence": Pearse, Mickiewicz and the Theology of National Messianism
- Frederic Royall, Clément Desbos, Le Mouvement d'occupation d'espaces publics : Occupy Dame Street et Occupy Galway
- Timothy O'Neill, An Eviction in Kinnitty: Republican Social Agitation and the New Fianna Fáil Government, 1932-1933
- Pascal Pragnère, Entre guerre et paix: les murals de Belfast
Art et images – Art and Image
- Kate Antosik-Parsons, Suppressed Voices: The Suffering and Silencing of Irish Institutional Abuse Survivors in Áine Phillips's Redress Performances
Études littéraires – Literary Studies
- Jessica Stephens, Death – a source in Seamus Heaney’s early autobiographical poetry
- Fabienne Gaspari, Une jeunesse à Paris : le melting-pot à l’irlandaise de George Moore
- Anne Karhio, The Familiar and the Foreign: Finnish Landscapes in Contemporary Irish Poetry
- Peter Lenz, Once the Terror of His Flock – Now the Laughing Stock: Rise and Decay of the Clerical Master Narrative in Modern Irish Literature and Beyond
- Maguy Pernot-Deschamps, History and Memory in Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin’s "Autun" – An Irish Poet in Burgundy
Comptes rendus de lecture (Book Reviews) |