'Stories for Healing': Mohale Mashigo's Creative Philosophy

'Stories for Healing': Mohale Mashigo's Creative Philosophy

Coordination éditoriale de Marilyne Brun, Monica Latham, Claire McKeown

:: Résumé    :: Sommaire    :: Détails


Emmy Peultier, Barbara Schmidt, Monica Latham

Authorial Testimonies

On the Genesis of My Work: From Inspiration to Publication

Mohale Mashigo

A Conversation with Mohale Mashigo

Mohale Mashigo, Kathie Birat, Cédric Courtois, Richard Samin

On Writing Not Afrofuturist – But Afro-Something – Stories

Mohale Mashigo

Writing Very South African Stories

Mohale Mashigo

From Exclusionary Silence to the Silence of Home

Mohale Mashigo

Interview with Mohale Mashigo at the Opéra National de Lorraine

Mohale Mashigo, Floriane Leveaux, Morgane Mathieu


La série Lettres sud-africaines chez Actes Sud

Georges Lory

On the Challenges of Translating South African Culture in Mohale Mashigo's The Yearning

Barbara Schmidt

'Mutshidzi': traduction et mise en voix

Mohale Mashigo, Barbara Schmidt, Benoit Fourchard


Mohale Mashigo, trans. Barbara Schmidt


Mohale Mashigo's The Yearning: Vindicating African Storytelling in Post-Transitional South Africa 

Richard Samin

'My Body's Voice Guides Me': A Postcolonial and Postanthropocentric Analysis of Mohale Mashigo’s The Yearning

Jessica Murray

Through the Lens of Speculative Fiction: Seeing South Africa Through the Short Story in Mohale Mashigo’s Intruders

Kathie Birat

Mohale Mashigo’s Intruders: The Cultivation of 'A Place In-Between’

Joanna Woods

'A Mermaid from the Township’: Water Spirits in Mohale Mashigo’s 'Manoka’

Confidence Joseph

Writing (About) Trauma in Yejide Kilanko’s Daughters Who Walk This Path (2012), Una’s Becoming Unbecoming (2015) and Mohale Mashigo’s The Yearning (2016)

Cédric Courtois

Petit panorama de la bande dessinée sud-africaine: une création foisonnante en recherche de débouchés

Julie Chansel


ARIEL Portrait

Mohale Mashigo

The Magic of Mohale

Andrea Nattrass

Mohale Mashigo: Black Porcelain

Victoire Noé

Mohale Mashigo’s Bibliography


General and Guest Editors





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