Cormac McCarthy

Cormac McCarthy

Uncharted Territories/Territoires inconnus

Édité par Christine Chollier

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Christine Chollier, Présentation
Edwin T. Arnold, Cormac McCarthy's Whales and Men
Chris Walsh, There’s No Place Like Holme : The Quest to Find a Place for McCarthy’s Southern fiction
Dianne C. Luce, White Caps, Moral Judgment, and Law in Child of God or, the 'Wrong Blood’ in Community History
Maxime Lachaud, Carnavalesque Rituals and the Theological Grotesque in the southernv Novels of Harry Crews and Cormac McCarthy
John Scaggs, The Search for Lost Time : The Proustian Theme in Cormac McCarthy’s Cities of the Plain
Megan Riley McGilchrist, The Adversarial Feminine in McCarthy’s Western Landscapes
Susan Hawkins, Cold War Cowboys and the Culture of Nostalgia
Rick Wallach, Cormac McCarthy’s Metaphors of antiquity and Deep Time
Steven Frye, Wilderness Typology, american Scripture, and the Interpreter’s Eye : The Interior Landscapes of McCarthy’s Western Novels
Christine Chollier, ‘A Thing Wholly alien’ : Focalization, Dispossession and Nescience in The Crossing
Florence Stricker, ‘This new Yet Unapprochable America’ : (For) an Ethical reading of Cormac McCarthy’s Western Novels
Jean-Michel Verdun, Hybridization in cormac McCarthy’s The Crossing
Rachel Eustache-Ney, The Other and Death in cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses
Béatrice Trotignon, McCarthy’s Use of the Present Tense in Blood Meridian
François Hirsch, I find it very hard to talk about translations and about translating
Isabelle Reinharez, Are we not all of us in our own way Cormac fans?
Guillemette Belleteste, A collaborative translation
Maxime Lachaud, Rituels carnavalesques et grotesque théologique dans les romans sudistes de Harry Crews et Cormac McCarthy
Christine Chollier, "A thing Wholly alien" : focalisation, dépossession et nescience dans The Crossing
Florence Stricker, “This New Yet Unapprochable America” : (pour) une lecture éthique des romans du sud-Ouest de Cormac McCarthy
Jean-Michel Verdun, L’ “hybride” dans Le grand passage de Cormac McCarthy
Rachel Eustache-Ney, L’autre et la mort dans All the Pretty Horses de Cormac McCarthy
Béatrice Trotignon, Le présent dans Blood Meridian de Cormac McCarthy
Isabelle Reihnarez, Ne sommes-nous pas, chacun à notre façon, des fans de Cormac ?
Guillemette Belleteste, La traduction en duo





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Jean-Pierre Maquerlot
Colloques du 15 mai 1997 et des 6 et 7 nov. 1998