Artist on the Make: David Mamet's Work Across Media and Genres

Artist on the Make: David Mamet's Work Across Media and Genres

Christophe Collard

:: Sommaire    :: Détails

Introduction, or Raising the Stakes

Chapter I: First Principles

1. "These basic kind of rules"
2. Living Truthfully
3. Absurd Heroism
4. Secure Whoring
5. Deception
6. Longing to Belong
7. Conclusion: The Art of Sympathetic Thought

Chapter II: Mamet on the Move

1. Breaking the Rules
2. "Celebration of the Minimal"
3. "Considerations of form fascinate me" 
4. A Brittle Balance, or Authorship in Popular Media
5. Frankenstein Genres
6. A Whore's Profession, or Writing for Television
7. A Remedial Roundup

Chapter III: Mamet Merging Media

1. Journeys of Evolution 
2. Fidelity Under Pressure
3. Adaptive Collaboration, Collaborative Adaptation
4. Intermediation
5. Simulation
6. Hypertextuality
7. Conclusion: The Return of the Frame

Conclusions, or Playing Ball

1. A Faustian Aesthetic
2. Proficient Through Dedication
3. Influence
4. Artistic Implications
5. A Philosophy of Subversion
6. Leads for Further Research
7. Old Dreams of New Beginnings





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François Bovier, Adeena Mey
Décadrages, n° 21-22/2012
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