BIWIC 2014

BIWIC 2014

21st International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, September 10 – 12, 2014

Édité par Yohann Cartigny, Gérard Coquerel, Nicolas Couvrat

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Oral presentations

J. Seidel, J. Ulrich – Generation of Crystalline Micro Containers of Salicylic Acid;

G. Baaklini, V. Dupray and G. Coquerel – Inhibition of the Spontaneous Polymorphic Transition of Pyrazinamide Gamma Form at Room Temperature by Co-Spray Drying with 1,3-Dimethylurea;

Jinbo Ouyang, Jingkang Wang, Hongxun Hao , Qiuxiang Yin, Meijing Zhang, Baohong Hou – Gel-mediated Transformation from Amorphous to Crystalline State during the Crystallization of Valnemulin Hydrogen Tartrate;

C. Rougeot, I.K. Price, B. Huynh Cao and J.E. Hein A– pplication of Coupling Preferential Crystallization and Dissolution;

B. Rimez, B. Haut, B. Scheid – Development of a Continuous "Self-seeding" Microfluidic Crystallization Device for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients;

M.J. Jones, D. Grawe, S. Gliesing – Process Design for Microparticles with Narrow Size Distribution;

K.S. Lee, K.J. Kim , J. Ulrich – Formation of Salicylic Acid/4,4' Dipyridyl Cocrystal Based on the Ternary Phase Diagram;

A.I. Isakov, E.N. Kotelnikova, H. Lorenz – Phases with Discrete Compositions Formed in the System of Malic Acid Enantiomers;

M.P. Fernández-Ronco, M. Iggland, G.M. Maggioni, J. Kluge*, M. Mazzotti – Application of High Pressure Homogenization to Co-crystallization and Chiral Resolution;

M. Hasan, M. Louhi-Kultanen – Natural Cooling in Progressive Freeze Concentration of Aqueous NaCl Solutions;

I. Hirasawa, N. Imura – Separation and Purification of Uranium from Radioactive Waste;

E. Horosanskaia, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern – Crystallization-based Recovery of Natural Products or their Semi-synthetic Analogues from Complex Mixtures;

E. Simone, A. Majumder, A. Borsos, Z.K. Nagy – Model-based Active Polymorphic Feedback Control of Crystallization Processes;

A. Mingyang Chen, B. Songgu Wu, C. Kun Wang, D. Junbo Gong – Preliminary Study on Agglomeration of Sugar and Sugar Polyol;

L. Wantha, A.E. Flood – Effect of Temperature on the Growth and Dissolution Kinetics of L-Histidine;

R. Kacker, R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer – Microwave Assisted Fines Control During Crystallization;

L. Guillou, L. Kurz-Misslin, E. Rigaut – Optimization of Industrial Melt Crystallization Process;

Xin Huang, Jingkang Wang, HongXun Hao – Superfine Palm Oil Dry Fractionation;

T.B. Hansen, P.H. Nielsen, H. Qu – Additive Effects on the Nucleation and Crystal Growth Kinetics of Different Solid Forms of Piroxicam;

E. Grothe, H.L.M. Meekes, R. de Gelder, E. Vlieg, J.H. ter Horst – Co-crystals: a Search for Suitable Co-formers;

S.K. Abdul Mudalip, M.R. Abu Bakar, J. Parveen, F. Adam, M.Z. Alam – In-situ Investigation of Nucleation Events Using Turbidity -Conductivity System.

Poster presentations

Young Jun Yang, Woo Jin Lee, Yeong Han Kim, Kang In Lee, Jin Seuk Kim – Particle Size Optimization of DNAN during Reaction Crystallization;

B. Rimez, B. Haut, B. Scheid – Development of a Continuous "Self-seeding" Microfluidic Crystallization Device for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients;

A. Mingyang Chen, B. Songgu Wu, C. Junbo Gong – Agglomeration and Adhesion Free Energy of Maltitol;

Songgu Wu, Kangli Li, Junbo Gong – Effect of Additives on the Crystallization of Flunixin Meglumine;

Weiwei Tang, Jingkang Wang, Junbo Gong – Predicting the Thermodynamic Stability and Intrinsic Solubility of Organic Crystals from First Principles;

J.X. Yang, Y.L. Wang, H. Wu, H.X. Hao, B.H. Hou, Y. Bao, C. Xie, Z. Wang – Investigation on the Growth of L- tryptophan Spherulitic Particle;

J.T. Huang, Q.X. Yin, M.J. Zhang, J.K. Wang – Potential Mechanism of Non-unimodal Solubility Property of Three Cosolvent Systems;

Jianxin Chen, Yunlong Zhong, Qing Wu, Jing Yang – The Dynamic Search Algorithm of Solubility in Salt-water System Based on Ksp;

M. Hrkovac, J. Prlic Kardum, L. Rajter – Comparison between Batch and Continuous Glycine Sonocrystallization;

E. Temmel, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern – Improvement and Validation of a Short-cut-method for the Quantification of Crystallization Kinetics;

H. Buchholz, M. Stein, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern – Evaluation of Two Thermodynamic Cycles for Solubility Determination;

P.T.N. Nguyen, J. Ulrich – Production of High Tensile Strength Paracetamol Tablets Using the Freeze Casting Process;

F. Kreißig, C. Schäfer, J. Ulrich – Transfer of a Crystallization Concept Towards Isomer Treatment;

P. Frohberg, J. Ulrich – Novel Protein Composite Materials by Crystallization: Product and Process Design;

C. Brandel, S. Petit, G. Coquerel – Preparation of Chiral Organic Gels as New Soft Media for Single Crystal Growth;

J. Mahieux, M. Sanselme, D. Martins, G. Coquerel – Access to Several Polymorphs of (±)-Modafinil by Using Various Dehydration Processes from a New Monohydrate;

F. Simon, S. Clevers, C. Brandel, J. Mahieux, V. Dupray and G. Coquerel – Relevance of Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) in Material Science Studies. Part 1: Literature Review and Experimental Methods;

F. Simon, S. Clevers, C. Brandel, J. Mahieux, V. Dupray and G. Coquerel – Relevance of Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) in Material Science Studies. Part 2: Application to Polymorphism and Phase Diagrams;

E. Bobo, M. Sanselme, S. Petit, G. Coquerel – Ability of Ammonium Perchlorate to Form Aligned Inclusions in Single Crystals;

B. Schammé, N. Couvrat, P. Malpeli, L. Delbreilh, V. Dupray, E. Dargent, G. Coquerel – Behaviors of Biclotymol: from High-energy Milling to Supercooled Melt;

Q. Viel, C. Brandel, Y. Cartigny, G. Coquerel, E. Dargent, S. Petit – Exploring Different Routes of Crystallization from Amorphous Diprophylline at Racemic and Pure Compositions;

N. Couvrat, Y. Cartigny, J. Linol, L. Vaysse-Ludot, P. Langlois, G. Coquerel – Crystallization of Hydrate(s) from the Deliquescent State: On the Importance of Controlling APIs Storage Conditions;

Naruki Ikeda, Liang Zhang, Masayuki Takeuchi, Tsutomu Koizumi, Izumi Hirasawa – Evaluation of Encrustation Behavior in Reaction Crystallization of Zirconium Molybdate;

Naoko Imura, Izumi Hirasawa –  Selective Separation Process of Oxalic Acid from Sulfuric Acidic Wastewater,

Y. Sonobe, H. Watamura, I. Hirasawa – Polymorphism, Particle Size and Shape Control of Calcium Carbonate Crystals in the Polyelectrolyte Reaction Field;

H. Akiba, M. Ichiji, S. Kida, I. Hirasawa – Effective Control of Au Nanoparticle Size and Shape by Reduction Crystallization;

Yuka Yoshimoto, Izumi Hirasawa – Cooling Crystallization of Amino Acids for Miniaturization;

E.A. Owusu, K.J. Kim – Raman spectroscopy for in-situ quantitative measurement in the transformation of Clopidogrel Hydrogen sulfate;

Dang Le Tri Nguyen, Kwang-Joo Kim – In-line Monitoring Polymorphic Crystallization and Solvent-mediated Transformation by Using Raman Spectroscopy;

S. Hassan, F. Adam, M. Abu Bakar – Polymorph Detection On-set Nucleation in Ascorbic Acid Molecular Solution by H+ Concentration;

N. Radacsi, R. Ambrus, P. Szabó-Révész, G.D. Stefanidis J.H. ter Horst – Microwave-assisted Evaporative Crystallization of Drugs for Particle Size Reduction and Enhanced Dissolution Rates;

E. Grothe, H.L.M. Meekes, R. de Gelder, E. Vlieg, J.H. ter Horst – Co-crystals: a Search for Suitable Co-formers;

Fatemeh Anisi, Richard Lakerveld, Herman J.M. Kramer – Sweeping Gas Membrane Distillation: Modelling and Experiments in Assisting Crystallization of L-ascorbic acid;

W. Li, N. Radacsi, J.H. ter Horst – Crystallization of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients In a Strong Electrostatic Field;

S.N. Bocharov, L.A. Pyankova – X-Ray Microtomographic Study of an Admixture Distribution Within the Volume of Heterophase Crystals (NH4Cl:Mn);

L.Yu. Kryuchkova, S.N. Bocharov – Composition Inhomogeneity of Mixed Crystals;

E.C. dos Santos, M.P. Fernández-Ronco, M. Mazzotti – Crystallization of Phase Change Emulsions:

K.A. Powell, A.N. Saleemi, Z.K. Nagy, C.D. Rielly – Periodic Flow Crystallization of Fast & Slow Growing APIs in MSMPR: Characterization with Integrated PAT and Information System;

C. Rougeot, B. Huynh Cao, J.E. Hein – An Unusual Case of Attrition-Enhanced Deracemization;

C.E. Crestani, A. Bernardo, C.B.B. Costa, M. Giulietti – Modelling of Sucrose Crystallization Kinetics with the Use of Inline Refractometer and Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM®);

I.B. Rietveld, B. Nicolaï, J.-P. Itié – The Stability Hierarchy of the Trimorphic system l-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester as a Function of Pressure and Temperature;

Jeong-Hyeon Jo, Ernest Takyi, Kwang-Joo Kim, Hyeon-Soo Kim – Purification of Explosive Wastewater by Melt Crystallization.





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