1970-79: Community in the UK

1970-79: Community in the UK

Coordination éditoriale de Bernard Cros, Cornelius Crowley, Thierry Labica

:: Résumé    :: Sommaire    :: Détails

Cornelius Crowley – Introduction

Keith Dixon – The Red and the Blue: Working-Class Insubordination and Nascent Nationalism in Scotland in the 1970s

Marc Lenormand – A New Unionism? Community Mobilisation and Working-Class Creativity in the UK in the 1970s

Mathilde Bertrand – The National Community Development Projects in the United Kingdom, 1969-1978

Adrian Park – Miners, Community and the 1972 and 1974 Miners' Strikes

Sharon Baptiste – Social, Political and Cultural Activism in 1970s Britain: The Case of Black British Youth of African-Caribbean Heritage

Stephen Rowley – A Walk on the Wild Side – Belfast 1969-72, A Personal Record

Bernard Cros – La « maladie anglaise » : réflexions sur le hooliganisme dans les années 1970 en Grande-Bretagne

John Mullen – What Questions Should Historians Be Asking about UK Popular Music in the 1970s?

About the authors





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