Play as Metaphor

Play as Metaphor

Ludic Images from Ancient Greece

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Enter the game

Part 1: Heroic games
Introduction. Achilles and Ajax at play: Inventing a canonical image
Chapter I. "Exekias made me and painted me"
Chapter II. The Pente grammai
Chapter III. Agon and aristeia
Chapter IV. Tyche's dice
Chapter V. Urban heroes
Chapter VI. Game or abacus?
Conclusion. Back to Palamedes

Part 2: Gymnastic games 
Introduction. Athletics and play
Chapter I. Ball games
Chapter II. Riding games
Chapter III. Spinning tops and twirling objects
Chapter IV. Ganymede's hoop
Conclusion. Leaving toys behind 

Part 3: Games of love and chance
Introduction. Under the gaze of Eros and Aphrodite
Chapter I. Playing with balls, apples, and wool balls
Chapter II. Ephedrismos
Chapter III. Spinning tops and knucklebones
Chapter IV. Swings and seesaws
Chapter V. Drawing lots with one's fingers
Conclusion. Paidia: Play is a woman 

Part 4: Childhood at play
Introduction. Playing, 'acting like a child'
Chapter I. Festive childhood 
Chapter II. Representing children at play 
Chapter III. Playing at being grown up 
Chapter IV. Playing with animals 
Chapter V. Playing with rituals 
Chapter VI. Imaginary children 
Conclusion. A city united by playful children

Game over 









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