Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 4 / 2014

Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 4 / 2014

From Text(s) to Book(s): Studies in Production and Editorial Processes

Édité par Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham, David Ten Eyck

:: Résumé    :: Sommaire    :: Détails

Ouvrage bilingue (français et anglais).

Working outward from the path traced by Hubert Nyssen in Du texte au livre, les avatars du sens, the essays collected in this volume examine the process by which texts are embodied in forms that give them the appearance of completion and fi nality. The passage from fl uid, provisional textual states to the apparent solidity of the published book is explored in the light of recent developments in textual scholarship. By engaging with archival records, with questions specifi c to periodical and serial publications and authorpublisher interactions, the contributors to this volume call into question certain widely held assumptions about the processes through which texts become books. They present the relation between text and book as ultimately less straightforward than the one proposed by Nyssen. Instead, they seek to transcend the linear progress from text to book, establishing more dynamic connections between the multiple material states in which a given work or document has exited over the course of its history.

Titre Book Practices & Textual Itineraries - 4 / 2014
Sous-titre From Text(s) to Book(s): Studies in Production and Editorial Processes
Édition Première édition
Édité par Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham, David Ten Eyck
ISSN 19554583
Éditeur Presses universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine
BISAC Classifications thématiques LAN022000 LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Editing & Proofreading
BIC Classifications thématiques C Language
CBW Writing & editing guides
Dewey (abrégé) 800-899 Literature
400 Language
Public visé 05 Enseignement supérieur
CLIL (Version 2013-2019 ) 3146 Lettres et Sciences du langage
4024 Lettres
4025 Méthodologie
Description public visé Universitaires
Crédit PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine
Date de première publication du titre 13 octobre 2015
Code Identifiant de classement sujet      93 Classification thématique Thema: D      93 Classification thématique Thema: C      93 Classification thématique Thema: CBW
Support Livre broché
Nb de pages 220 p.
ISBN-10 2814302302
ISBN-13 9782814302303
Référence 118977-47
Date de publication 13 octobre 2015
Contenu du produit Text (eye-readable)
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 220
Format 16 x 24 x 1,2 cm
Poids 362 gr
Prix 12,00 €




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