Revue suisse de sociologie, vol. 39-Issue 2/2013

Revue suisse de sociologie, vol. 39-Issue 2/2013

Change and Reforms in Educational Systems and Organizations

Édité par Regula Julia Leemann, Christian Imdorf, Philipp Gonon, Moritz Rosenmund

The Swiss Journal of Sociology was established in 1975 on the initiative of the Swiss Sociological Association. It is published three times a year with the support of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The journal is a multilingual voice for analysis and research in sociology. It publishes work on the theory, methods, practice, and history of the social sciences in English, French, or German.

Although a central aim of the journal is to reflect the state of the discipline in Switzerland as well as current developments, articles and book reviews will be accepted irrespective of the author's nationality or whether the submitted work focuses on this country.

The journal is understood as a representative medium and therefore opem to all research areas, to a plurality of schools and methodological approaches. It neither favours nor excludes any research orientation but particularly intends to promote communication between differnt perspectives. In order to fulfil this aim, all submissions will be refereed anonymously by at least two reviewers.

Titre Revue suisse de sociologie, vol. 39-Issue 2/2013
Sous-titre Change and Reforms in Educational Systems and Organizations
Édition Première édition
Partie du titre Numéro 2
Partie du titre Volume 39
Édité par Regula Julia Leemann, Christian Imdorf, Philipp Gonon, Moritz Rosenmund
ISSN 03793664
Langues anglais, français, allemand
Éditeur Editions Seismo
Public visé 05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre 07 octobre 2013
Code Identifiant de classement sujet      93 Classification thématique Thema: J
Avec Index
Support Livre broché
Nb de pages 436 p. Index .
ISBN-10 3037771356
ISBN-13 978-3-03777-135-8
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9783037771358
Référence 115899-69
Date de publication 07 octobre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal 436
Format 15 x 22,5 x 1,4 cm
Poids 382 gr
Prix 39,00 €




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