L'autonomie de l'établissement, avec ou contre les enseignants ?

L'autonomie de l'établissement, avec ou contre les enseignants ?

Hugues Draelants, Laetitia Progin, Annie Feyfant, Dominique Didier-Viforel, Éric Eberlin, Rémi Voisin

Édité par Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey

:: Résumé    :: Sommaire    :: Critiques    :: Détails

In France, debates on this subject alternately put autonomy as a weapon "against" teachers or as a means of "unlocking" them.

Rather than sticking to common controversies, this book provide international literature and casev studies from other countries, on the one hand, and to adress a specific experience of pedagogical autonomy in a French secondary school, on the other hand.

By comparing these reviews and experiences, this book proposes some operational approaches to foster interactions between academic research and professional practice on this critical issue.





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